Welcome To Call Makers News!
We are extremely excited to introduce our exclusive online journal for duck call and goose call making enthusiasts. Whether you are new or a veteran to wood turning and making duck or goose calls, this information will be of interest to you! Call Makers News was developed by an avid sportsman and duck call maker
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Featured Articles

I have received several requests asking for pictures of how I have my dust collection set up to each machine. I have posted them below so hopefully this will provide you with many idea’s regarding your own. Be sure to click on the pictures and also the enlarger icon located in the upper right corner
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This hand carved antler duck call was made by Joseph Reinsch of Antoneous Calls. It is made from Moose Antler and Gabon Ebony wood.

Learning how to make a duck call is something that is constantly gaining the interest of many wood turners, duck hunters and outdoor sportsmen. This art has been around for many years and while a lot of the techniques still remain the same or similar, there are also a lot of options available when selecting
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Tool Discussions

There are several duck call making tools available to secure your duck call blank for turning. I own several mandrels that work great, however I find that the #2MT Alignment Tool works best for me especially when I turn acrylic game calls. It allows me the ability to install and remove the blank quickly and
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This book entitled simply Duck Hunting is intended to bring the sport into the twenty-first century. In order to be a successful duck hunter, you must first have a decent grasp of duck biology. This book shows you how to recognize good duck habitat and understand the birds’ breeding behavior, food habits and migration patterns.
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